вторник, 15 декабря 2009 г.


Быть учителем английского -это все-таки не только сплошь 'Do you speak English' или "а в чем разница между Present Perfect и Present Simple?".

К счастью, это еще и интересно, жутко познавательно, а местами даже забавно!:) Готовлюсь к уроку, просматриваю материал на урок, читаю-

My cross-eyed teacher at school had to give up teaching.
Because he couldn't control his pupils.

Дошло не сразу))

четверг, 26 ноября 2009 г.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Не смотря на то, что у нас уже давным-давно снега, снега и Новый Год не за горами, потянуло на оранжевое и багряное. В ети дни справляют День Благодарения. Говорят, сегодня Обама помиловал индюка.
Интересно, был ли кто-нибудь, кто горько пожалел о том, что он не индюк))

Tense Tenses

В рассылке пришли шуточки, вот эта особо посмешила:)))

One day an English teacher was looking ill.
A student asked, "What's the matter?"
"Tense," answered the teacher, describing how he felt.
The student paused, then continued, "What was the matter? What has been the matter? What might have been the matter... ?"

Сначала смеюсь, потом смотрю на то, что там студент наспрягал и отмечаю- ето Past Simple, потом Present Perfect, потом модальный глагол плюс Perfect Infinitive...
))) клиника!

Der Erlkönig von Goethe

The theme of supernatural took a firm grip of me))) For quite a while I've meant to put some German bits in the blog, so here it comes, the poem that fascinates me: Der Erlkönig by Goethe.

But first, the legend:

The story of the Erlkönig derives from Danish folk tales, and Goethe based his poem on "Erlkönigs Tochter" ("Erlkönig's Daughter"), a Danish work translated into German by Johann Gottfried Herder. It appeared as "The Elf King's Daughter" in his collection of folk songs, Stimmen der Völker in Liedern (published 1778).
The Erlkönig's nature has been the subject of some debate. In the original Scandinavian version of the tale, the antagonist was the Erlkönig's daughter rather than the Erlkönig himself; the female elf, or ellerkone, sought to ensnare human beings to satisfy her desire, jealousy and lust for revenge.

And the Poem, enjoy:

Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind?
Es ist der Vater mit seinem Kind;
Er hat den Knaben wohl in dem Arm,
Er faßt ihn sicher, er hält ihn warm.

"Mein Sohn, was birgst du so bang dein Gesicht?" —
"Siehst, Vater, du den Erlkönig nicht?
Den Erlenkönig mit Kron und Schweif?" —
"Mein Sohn, es ist ein Nebelstreif."

"Du liebes Kind, komm, geh mit mir!
Gar schöne Spiele spiel' ich mit dir;
Manch' bunte Blumen sind an dem Strand,
Meine Mutter hat manch gülden Gewand." —

"Mein Vater, mein Vater, und hörest du nicht,
Was Erlenkönig mir leise verspricht?" —
"Sei ruhig, bleibe ruhig, mein Kind;
In dürren Blättern säuselt der Wind." —

"Willst, feiner Knabe, du mit mir gehen?
Meine Töchter sollen dich warten schön;
Meine Töchter führen den nächtlichen Reihn,
Und wiegen und tanzen und singen dich ein." —

"Mein Vater, mein Vater, und siehst du nicht dort
Erlkönigs Töchter am düstern Ort?" —
"Mein Sohn, mein Sohn, ich seh es genau:
Es scheinen die alten Weiden so grau. —"

"Ich liebe dich, mich reizt deine schöne Gestalt;
Und bist du nicht willig, so brauch ich Gewalt." —
"Mein Vater, mein Vater, jetzt faßt er mich an!
Erlkönig hat mir ein Leids getan!" —

Dem Vater grauset's, er reitet geschwind,
Er hält in Armen das ächzende Kind,
Erreicht den Hof mit Müh' und Not;
In seinen Armen das Kind war tot.

вторник, 24 ноября 2009 г.

Flightless Bird American Mouth [by Iron & Wine]

Благодаря любимому другу было обнаружено следующее Волшебное Творение:

I was a quick wet boy,

Diving too deep for coins

All of your street light eyes

Wide on my plastic toys

Then when the cops closed fair,

I cut my long baby hair

Stole me a dog-eared map

And called for you everywhere

Have I found you

Flightless bird

Jealous, weeping?

Or lost you

American mouth

Big pill looming?

Now I’m a fat house cat

Nursing my sore blunt tongue

Watching the warm poison rats

Curl through the wide fence cracks

Pissing on magazine

Photos, those fishing lures

Thrown in the cold and clean

Blood of Christ mountain stream

Have I found you

Flightless bird

Grounded, bleeding?

Or lost you

American mouth

Big pill stuck going down

Музыкальный вариант Волшебного Творения можно найти сами знаете где ;) он необычайный!

среда, 18 ноября 2009 г.

Ignis-fatuus ??

В STRING OF PEARLS [the original penny dreadful featuring SWEENEY TODDTHE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET, ed.] , глава 12, читаю-

It brings with it that unhappy restlessness of intellect which is ever straining after the unattainable, and which is never content to know the end and ultimatum of earthly hopes and wishes; no, the whole life of such persons is spent in one long struggle for a fancied happiness, which like the ignis-fatuus of the swamp glitters but to betray those who trust to its delusive and flickering beams.

Чудное болотное явление, вот что про него пишут-

Ignis-fatuus (plural- ignes fatui , "fool's fires") или Will-o'-the-wisp: Ghostly lights sometimes seen at night or twilight that hover over damp ground in still air — often over bogs. It looks like a flickering lamp, and is sometimes said to recede if approached. Much folklore surrounds the legend, but science has offered several potential explanations.


Вот они:

Will-o'-the-Wisp sketch by Rob Alexander, from Selecting Ninth Edition

Following Sweeny Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street

Having seen the film, having read the original 1846/47 penny dreadful , can't help posting this:

THE MAN FROM IRONBARK by A.B. "Banjo" Paterson

It was the man from Ironbark who struck the Sydney town,
He wandered over street and park, he wandered up and down.
He loitered here, he loitered there, till he was like to drop,
Until at last in sheer despair he sought a barber's shop.
"'Ere! shave my beard and whiskers off, I'll be a man of mark,
I'll go and do the Sydney toff up home in Ironbark."

The barber man was small and flash, as barbers mostly are,
He wore a strike-your-fancy sash, he smoked a huge cigar;
He was a humorist of note and keen at repartee,
He laid the odds and kept a "tote", whatever that may be,
And when he saw our friend arrive, he whispered, "Here's a lark!
Just watch me catch him all alive, this man from Ironbark."

There were some gilded youths that sat along the barber's wall.
Their eyes were dull, their heads were flat, they had no brains at all;
To them the barber passed the wink, his dexter eyelid shut,
"I'll make this bloomin' yokel think his bloomin' throat is cut."
And as he soaped and rubbed it in he made a rude remark:
"I s'pose the flats is pretty green up there in Ironbark."

A grunt was all reply he got; he shaved the bushman's chin,
Then made the water boiling hot and dipped the razor in.
He raised his hand, his brow grew black, he paused awhile to gloat,
Then slashed the red-hot razor-back across his victim's throat:
Upon the newly-shaven skin it made a livid mark -
No doubt it fairly took him in - the man from Ironbark.

He fetched a wild up-country yell might wake the dead to hear,
And though his throat, he knew full well, was cut from ear to ear,
He struggled gamely to his feet, and faced the murd'rous foe:
"You've done for me! you dog, I'm beat! one hit before I go!
I only wish I had a knife, you blessed murdering shark!
But you'll remember all your life the man from Ironbark."

He lifted up his hairy paw, with one tremendous clout
He landed on the barber's jaw, and knocked the barber out.
He set to work with nail and tooth, he made the place a wreck;
He grabbed the nearest gilded youth, and tried to break his neck.
And all the while his throat he held to save his vital spark,
And "Murder! Bloody murder!" yelled the man from Ironbark.

A peeler man who heard the din came in to see the show;
He tried to run the bushman in, but he refused to go.
And when at last the barber spoke, and said "'Twas all in fun—
'Twas just a little harmless joke, a trifle overdone."
"A joke!" he cried, "By George, that's fine; a lively sort of lark;
I'd like to catch that murdering swine some night in Ironbark."

And now while round the shearing floor the list'ning shearers gape,
He tells the story o'er and o'er, and brags of his escape.
"Them barber chaps what keeps a tote, By George, I've had enough,
One tried to cut my bloomin' throat, but thank the Lord it's tough."
And whether he's believed or no, there's one thing to remark,
That flowing beards are all the go way up in Ironbark.

The Bulletin, 17 December 1892.

воскресенье, 20 сентября 2009 г.

Autumn Fires

Какая чудная у нас сейчас осень! Вот стих про нее руки Robert Louis Stevenson, радостный такой стих :)

In the other gardens
And all up the vale,
From the autumn bonfires
See the smoke trail!

Pleasant summer over
And all the summer flowers,
The red fire blazes,
The grey smoke towers.

Sing a song of seasons!
Something bright in all!
Flowers in the summer,
Fires in the fall!

пятница, 26 июня 2009 г.

пятница, 29 мая 2009 г.

Rule of thumb

Рассылка мне приходит с eBusiness Forum, читаю-

blah blah "As an extra tip, if you have paid links on your site be sure to add the nofollow attribute. Always a good rule of thumb to live by".

a good rule of thumb
- что ето??

А вот (from thefreedictionary.com):
-a rough and practical approach, based on experience, rather than theory
Synonym: guidepost, guideline

Origin of the phrase (from wikipedia):
The earliest citation comes from Sir William Hope’s The Compleat Fencing-Master, second edition, 1692, page 157: "What he doth, he doth by rule of thumb, and not by art." The term is thought to originate with wood workers who used the length of their thumbs rather than rulers for measuring things, cementing its modern use as an imprecise yet reliable and convenient standard.

О как! И еще, оттуда же- вариант происхождения- повеселил.. или заставил задуматься?
It is often claimed that the term originally referred to a law that limited the maximum thickness of a stick with which it was permissible for a man to beat his wife, but this has been discredited.

:) Кстати, про семейные отношения у меня где-то валялась "домостроевская" рекомендация для женщин, надо найти, выложить -обхохочешься :)

пятница, 24 апреля 2009 г.

Белли Дэнс и переводчики- недоучки

Недавно приобрела себе развлечения ради видео - уроки танца живота :)) изначально текст был на английском, видео с русской озвучкой. Так вот, в процессе уроков за кадром тетенька комментирует что да как надо делать -"дышите спокойно", "почувствуйте, как напрягаются мышцы бедра" и прочая важная ерунда.
И каждый раз при просмотре меня озадачивала фраза "Вина и Нина (преподавательницы танца живота, сестры-близняшки) формально изучали балет и танец живота в Каире" Слово "формально" меня смущало- это как понимать- на самом деле они нифига не изучали балет, но справку им выдали, так что ли?
Вчера буквально меня осенило. На английском слово formally (формально) и formerly (ранее) звучат похоже. Фраза на англ, видимо звучала так -"Vina and Nina formerly studied ballet.." Вооот оно что! А мы -то все уже подумали, что Вина и Нина халтурщицы! А это, оказывается, не они халтурщицы, а переводчики- неучи!!

На эту же тему нашла у Татьяны Толстой пост - про сериал Доктор Хауз -она там так смачно приложилась, почитайте, не пожалеете! :))

среда, 25 февраля 2009 г.

Всего Один Крокус

В дополнение к прыдущему посту -русский вариант истории про крокусы (перевод неизвестного умельца). Итак...

Храбро раскачиваясь на ветру, он вселил в меня уверенность, которой мне так не хватало.

Джоан Андерсон

ОСЕННИМ УТРОМ вскоре после того, как мы с мужем въехали в наш первый дом, дети распаковывали вещи наверху, а я смотрела в окно на моего отца, который загадочно передвигался по лужайке перед домом. Мои родители жили неподалеку, и отец уже заходил несколько раз. «Что ты там делаешь?»- крикнула я ему.
Он, улыбаясь, поднял глаза. «Готовлю тебе сюрприз». Зная отца, я подумала, что это может быть все, что угодно. У него было свое дело, и он постоянно что-нибудь мастерил из разных остатков и обрезков. Когда мы были детьми, он однажды из колес и стоек соорудил гимнастический снаряд «джунгли». В другой раз, на День Всех Святых, он сделал электрическую тыкву и закрепил ее на ручке метлы. Когда гости подходили к дверям, отец включал свет в тыкве, и она неожиданно возникла перед ними из потайного места в кустах.

В тот день, однако, отец больше ничего не сказал, и я, захваченная суетой новой жизни, в конце концов забыла о его сюрпризе.
Пока уже в марте промозглым днем не выглянула в окно. Мрачно. Хмуро. Остатки грязного снега на лужайке никак не хотели таять. Когда же наконец кончится зима?
Но что это-мираж? Я напрягла зрение, чтобы разглядеть что-то, вроде бы розовое, выглядывавшее, как это ни удивительно, из сугроба. А по ту сторону двора действительно виднеется голубое пятнышко, словно символ оптимизма на безрадостном фоне? Я схватила пальто и ринулась во двор, чтобы рассмотреть поближе.
Это были крокусы, причудливо разбросанные по лужайке. Сиреневые, голубые, желтые и мои любимые розовые, как маленькие головки, кивающие на сильном ветру.

Папа. Я улыбнулась, вспомнив луковицы, которые он втайне от нас сажал прошлой осенью. Он знал, как меня угнетают мрачные, темные зимы. Что еще могло так вовремя и так благотворно повлиять на меня? Как же мне повезло – не только с цветами, но и с отцом.
Следующие четыре или пять лет крокусы отца цвели каждую весну, каждый раз своим появлением вселяя в меня уверенность: Тяжелые времена почти позади. Не сдавайся, держись, скоро придет свет.

Потом наступила весна, когда распустились только половина крокусов, а еще через год не появилось ни одного. Мне их очень не хватало, но у меня началась очень напряженная жизнь, да и прежде я никогда не увлекалась садоводством. Я хотела попросить отца зайти к нам и посадить новые луковицы, но так и не попросила.

Он умер неожиданно, в октябре. Наша семья тяжело переживала утрату, только вера поддерживала нас. Мне его очень не хватало, хотя я понимала, что он всегда будет частичкой каждого из нас.
Прошло четыре года, и однажды унылым весенним днем, мотаясь по разным делам, я ощутила подавленность. Снова зимняя хандра,- сказала я себе, - это случается каждый год, такая уж у тебя натура. Но была и другая причина.

Это был день рождения отца, и я поймала себя на том, что думаю о нем. В этом не было ничего необычного, мы в семье часто говорили о нем, вспоминая, как он жил по законам своей веры. Однажды я видела, как он снял пальто и отдал его бездомному. Он нередко разговаривал с людьми, проходивними мимо его магазина, и, узнав, что они нищие или голодные, приглашал их зайти поесть. Но теперь, пока я ехала в машине, меня не оставляла мысль: Как он сейчас? Где он сейчас? Есть ли на самом деле рай?

У меня появилось чувство вины за мои сомнения, но иногда, думала я, сворачивая на дорожку к нашему дому, верить так трудно.

Вдруг я притормозила, остановилась и уставилась на лужайку. Грязная трава, серые островки подтаявшего снега. И среди этого на ветру храбро раскачивался один розовый крокус.

Как из луковицы, пролежавшей в земле 18 лет и не распускавшейся уже более десяти лет, мог появиться цветок? И все -таки он появился. Мои глаза наполнились слезами., когда я поняла, что он мне хотел сказать.

Не сдавайся, держись, скоро придет свет. Розовый крокус цвел всего один день. Но он на всю жизнь укрепил мою веру.

Only One Crocus by Joan Anderson

Читаем и верим, верим изо всех сил, что весна к нам идет!

IT WAS AN AUTUMN morning shortly after my husband and I moved into our first house. Our children were upstairs unpacking, and I was looking out the window at my father moving around mysteriously on the front lawn. My parents lived nearby, and Dad had visited us several times already. “What are you doing out there?” I called to him.

He looked up, smiling. ‘I am making you a surprise’. Knowing my father, I thought it could be just about anything. A self-employed jobber, he was always building things out of odds and ends. When we were kids, he once rigged up a jungle gym out of wheels and pulleys. For one of my Halloween parties, he created an electrical pumpkin and mounted it on a broomstick. As guests came to our door, he would light the pumpkin and have it pop out in front of them from a hiding place in the bushes.

Today, however, Dad would say no more, and, caught up in the business of our new life, I eventually forgot about his surprise.
Until one raw day the following March when I glanced out the window. Dismal. Overcast. Little piles of dirty snow still stubbornly littering the lawn. Would winter ever end?

And yet… was it a mirage? I strained to see what I thought was something pink, miraculously peeking out of a drift. And was that a dot of blue across the yard, a small note of optimism in this gloomy expanse? I grabbed my coat and headed outside for a closer look.

They were crocuses, scattered whimsically throughout the front lawn. Lavender, blue, yellow and my favorite pink- little faces bobbing in the biter wind.
Dad. I smiled, remembering the bulbs he had secretly planted last fall. He knew how the darkness and dreariness of winter always got me down. What could have been more perfectly timed, more attuned to my needs? How blessed I was, not only for the flowers but for him.

My father’s crocuses bloomed each spring for the next four or five seasons, bringing that same assurance every time they arrived: Hard times almost over. Hold on, keep going, light is coming soon.
Then a spring came with only half of the usual blossoms. The next spring there were none. I missed the crocuses, but my life was busier than ever, and I had never been much of a gardener. I would ask Dad to come over and plant new bulbs. But I never did.

He died suddenly one October day. My family grieved deeply, leaning on our faith. I missed him terribly, though I knew he would always be a part of us.

Four years passed, and on a dismal spring afternoon I was running errands and found myself feeling depressed. You’ve got the winter blahs again, I told myself. You get them every year; it’s chemistry. But it was something else, too.
It was Dad’s birthday, and I found myself thinking about him. This was not unusual – my family often talked about him, remembering how he lived his faith. Once I saw him take off his coat and give it to a homeless man. Often he’d chat with strangers passing by his storefront, and if he learned they were poor and hungry, he would invite them home for a meal. But now, in the car, I couldn’t help wondering, How is he now? Where is he now? Is there really a heaven?
I felt guilty for having doubts, but sometimes, I thought as I turned into our driveway, faith is so hard.

Suddenly I slowed, stopped and stared at the lawn. Muddy grass and small gray mounds of melting snow. And there, bravely waving in the wind, was one pink crocus.

How could a flower bloom from a bulb more that 18 years old, one that had not blossomed in over a decade? But there was a crocus. Tears filled my eyes as I realized its significance.

Hold on, keep going, light is coming soon. The pink crocus bloomed for only a day. But it built my faith for a lifetime.

ПС: кстати, познакомьтесь, это крокусы на картинке!

среда, 18 февраля 2009 г.

Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

Идем за белым кроликом!


Down the Rabbit-Hole

Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?'

So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the hot day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.

There was nothing so very remarkable in that; nor did Alice think it so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, `Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late!' (when she thought it over afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought to have wondered at this, but at the time it all seemed quite natural); but when the Rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole under the hedge.

In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.

Чтобы почитать остальную историю- жмите на заголовок, ссылка и откроется! ;)

А чтобы читать и слушать одновременно, качайте тут аудио (томский сайт)

четверг, 5 февраля 2009 г.

Funny Quotes

их Буш- всем бушам буш!

"Information is moving -- you know, nightly news is one way, of course, but it's also moving through the blogosphere and through the Internets." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 2, 2007

"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." Came to symbolize the president's environmental policy (September 29, 2000).

"She's a West Texas girl, just like me."

"More and more of our imports come from other countries."

"This thaw -- took a while to thaw, it's going to take a while to unthaw." --George W. Bush, on liquidity in the markets, Alexandria, La., Oct. 20, 2008

"Amigo! Amigo!" --George W. Bush, calling out to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in Spanish at the G-8 Summit, Rusutsu, Japan, July 10, 2008

"Let's make sure that there is certainty during uncertain times in our economy." -- George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., June 2, 2008

"I don't particularly like it when people put words in my mouth, either, by the way, unless I say it." --George W. Bush, Crawford, Texas, Nov. 10, 2007

"The same folks that are bombing innocent people in Iraq were the ones who attacked us in America on September the 11th." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., July 12, 2007

"These are big achievements for this country, and the people of Bulgaria ought to be proud of the achievements that they have achieved." --George W. Bush, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 11, 2007

"There are jobs Americans aren't doing. ... If you've got a chicken factory, a chicken-plucking factory, or whatever you call them, you know what I'm talking about." --George W. Bush. Tipp City, Ohio, April 19, 2007

"I'm the decider." Said in response to his decision to keep Donald Rumsfeld on as the secretary of defense, it came to symbolize the "imperial" aspects of the Bush presidency. (April 18, 2006).

For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three nonfatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it." (May 2001)

"The fact that he relies on facts -- says things that are not factual -- are going to undermine his campaign."

"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe—I believe what I believe is right."
(as you understand from the quote above, he is a great believer!)

'misunderestimate' - A bushism presumed to mean "to seriously under-estimate"
- We misunderestimated the President's ability to butcher the English language.

"I am responisible for all my mistakes. And so are you."

и напоследок, ОколоБуша:

"Sen. Hillary Clinton called for President Bush to begin pulling troops out of Iraq next year. And let me tell you something, when it comes to telling a president when to pull out, no one has more experience than Hillary Clinton." --Jay Leno

среда, 4 февраля 2009 г.

Рыба рыбе - рознь

Как это удачно, что раз в какой-то период времени мне приходит рассылка про англ яз. Среди прочего хлама там попадаются и познавательные вещицы. Вот, например, о слове FISH и том, что с ним, если умеючи, можно сделать:

April fish - первоапрельская шутка
cold fish - бесчувственный, холодный человек
drink like a fish - пить запоем
feel like a fish out of water - чувствовать себя как рыба, вытащенная на берег
fish bowl - "кутузка"
fish eye - неприветливый взгляд
fish or cut bait - действовать решительно
fish out - выпытывать (тайны, секреты)
fish story - слезливая история
have bigger fish to fry - есть проблемы и поважнее
odd fish - странный человек
queer fish - надменный человек
soup-and-fish - официальный вечерний костюм
tin fish - подлодка
wooden fish - грибы
fish in troubled waters - ловить рыбу в мутной воде
it's a fine kettle of fish - вот такие пироги
neither fish nor flesh - ни рыба ни мясо
never fry a fish till it's caught - не дели шкуру неубитого медведя
never offer to teach fish to swim - не учи ученого
old fish, old oil and an old friend are the best - старый друг лучше новых двух
the best fish swim near the bottom - хорошо дешево не бывает
a pike lives in the lake to keep all fish awake - на то и щука в море, чтоб карась не дремал
all cats love fish but fear to wet their paws - и хочется и колется
all is fish that comes to the net - доброму вору все впору
better a small fish than an empty dish - на безрыбье и рак рыба
fish begins to stink at the head - рыба с головы тухнет
he who would catch fish must not mind getting wet - чтобы рыбку съесть, надо в воду лезть
it is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same bait - глуп тот, кто дважды попадается на ту же удочку
the fish will soon be caught that nibbles at every bait - много будешь знать, скоро состаришься

ПС: Ну, даже если сам ими не будешь выражаться, то хоть поймешь соль, когда услышишь -прочитаешь у кого-ниб другого.

вторник, 27 января 2009 г.

Образно выражаясь

Время от времени нахожу разные интересные выражения, коими богат англ язык, буду складывать их сюда. Складывайте тоже :)

There was certain chemistry between us - мы понимали др др без слов (примерно такой смысл)

Show of hands - лес рук

(sounds) like scratching nails against the chalkboard -как железкой по стеклу

Tried and true (ideas) - испытанные (идеи, методы)

Reach the boiling point- достичь точки кипения

Solutions at your fingertips
to pigeonhole -навешивать ярлыки
melting pot -котел

Dido, Hunter and a Cat

Песня -гуд, текст песни- тоже гуд. И заковырка!

With one light on
In one room
I know you're up
When I get home
With one small step
Upon the stair
I know your look
When I get there

If you were a king
Up there on your throne
Would you be wise enough to let me go
For this queen you think you own

Wants to be a hunter again
I want to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again
So let me go...

The unread book
And painful look
The TV's on
The sound is down
With one long pause
Then you begin
Oh look what
The cat's brought in *

If you were a king
Up there on your throne
Would you be wise enough to let me go
For this queen you think you own

Wants to be a hunter again
I want to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again
So let me go
Let me leave

For the crown you've placed upon my head
Feels too heavy now
And I don't know what to say to you
But I'll smile anyhow
And all the time I'm thinking

I want to be a hunter again
I want to see the world alone again
To take a chance on life again
So let me go

*Стало любопытно, что бы ето могло означать и обнаружила -an insulting way of saying that someone has just arrived, suggesting that they are ugly and badly dressed.

Еще нашла:

be the cat's whiskers
fight like cat and dog - иногда перевод слово в слово -то, что нужно! ) 
Has the cat got your tongue?
Вот ето оч многообещающее- grin like a Cheshire cat :))

Butterflies by Roger Dean Kiser

Нашла как-то в сети ету коротенькую грустную историю, пусть пока полежит тут...
There was a time in my life when beauty meant something special to me. I guess that would have been when I was about six or seven years old, just several weeks or maybe a month before the orphanage turned me into an old man.
I would get up every morning at the orphanage, make my bed just like the little soldier that I had become and then I would get into one of the two straight lines and march to breakfast with the other twenty or thirty boys who also lived in my dormitory.
After breakfast one Saturday morning I returned to the dormitory and saw the house parent chasing the beautiful monarch butterflies who lived by the hundreds in the azalea bushes strewn around the orphanage.
I carefully watched as he caught these beautiful creatures, one after the other, and then took them from the net and then stuck straight pins through their head and wings, pinning them onto a heavy cardboard sheet.
How cruel it was to kill something of such beauty. I had walked many times out into the bushes, all by myself, just so the butterflies could land on my head, face and hands so I could look at them up close.
When the telephone rang the house parent laid the large cardboard paper down on the back cement step and went inside to answer the phone. I walked up to the cardboard and looked at the one butterfly who he had just pinned to the large paper. It was still moving about so I reached down and touched it on the wing causing one of the pins to fall out. It started flying around and around trying to get away but it was still pinned by the one wing with the other straight pin. Finally it's wing broke off and the butterfly fell to the ground and just quivered.
I picked up the torn wing and the butterfly and I spat on it's wing and tried to get it to stick back on so it could fly away and be free before the house parent came back. But it would not stay on him.
The next thing I knew the house parent came walking back out of the back door by the garbage room and started yelling at me. I told him that I did not do anything but he did not believe me. He picked up the cardboard paper and started hitting me on the top of the head. There were all kinds of butterfly pieces going everywhere. He threw the cardboard down on the ground and told me to pick it up and put it in the garbage can inside the back room of the dormitory and then he left.

I sat there in the dirt, by that big old tree, for the longest time trying to fit all the butterfly pieces back together so I could bury them whole, but it was too hard to do. So I prayed for them and then I put them in an old torn up shoe box and I buried them in the bottom of the fort that I had built in the ground, out by the large bamboos, near the blackberry bushes.
Every year when the butterflies would return to the orphanage and try to land on me I would try and shoo them away because they did not know that the orphanage was a bad place to live and a very bad place to die.

What to say in a case of Stress

"Okay, okay! I take it back. Unfuck you!"

"You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing."

"Well, this day was a total waste of make-up."

"Well, aren't we a fuckin ray of sunshine?"

"Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after."

"This isn't an office. It's hell with fluorescent lighting!"

"I started out with nothing and still have most of it left."

"Therapy is expensive. Popping bubble wrap is cheap. You choose."

"Why don't you try practicing random acts of intelligence and senseless acts

of self-control?"

"I'm not crazy. I've been in a very bad mood for 30 years."

"Sarcasm is just one more service I offer."

"Do they ever shut up on your planet?"

"I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable"

"Stress is when you wake up screaming and you realise you haven't gone to

sleep yet."

"Back off!! You're standing in my aura."

"Don't worry. I forgot your name too."

"Not all men are annoying. Some are dead."

"Wait...I'm trying to imagine you with a personality."

"Chaos, panic and disorder. My work here is done."

"Ambivalent? Well, yes and no."

"You look like shit. Is that the style now?"

"Earth is full. Go home."

"Aw, did I step on your poor little bitty ego?"

"I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert."

"A hard-on doesn't count as personal growth."

"If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport!"

"Jeez!!! Who lit the fuse on your tampon?"